Otherwise consult this list for instructions on how to disable it: If you have AVAST antivirus, right click the orange icon in systray, go to Avast Shields Control and disable all shields for 1 hour. Disable your antivirus to prevent it interfering with the installation.Choose that and then hit Enter to boot to the desktop ( the Aministrator account doesn't have a password by default). Reboot the machine and you'll see an additional logon option called Administrator.Type: EXIT to close the command prompt.Next, type: net user administrator /active:yes and hit Enter to enable the hidden Administrator account.At the prompt, type CD\ and hit Enter.When you get the link, right click it and choose "Run As Administrator".Click "Start" and then in the search box at the bottom of the menu, type: CMD.Local Group Memberships *Administrators *HomeUsers Only an empty space where the message would go. Shows my flash player version after I reinstall flash, but after restarting my machine and visiting the site, neither the version of flash nor an error message is shown. I have repeatedly tried uninstalling and reinstalling the flash player and have also tried the recommended step of deleting "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/x-shockwave-flash" with no success.

The plugins are still installed on the machine and both Firefox and IE still recognize that the plugins are there. After restarting, sites like youtube don't prompt me to reinstall flash but just show a blank location where the video would play. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit, and regardless if I install Adobe Flash Player for IE 9 or Firefox 11, the installation works only until I restart my computer. I'm having the same issue (Flash Reader 11.2 r202).