Yin and yang symbol in my coffee cup
Yin and yang symbol in my coffee cupyin and yang symbol in my coffee cup

I’m giving you the most common interpretations and origins of each triple symbol. Oh, and while we have triples in our mind – please understand these symbols are known by different names and meanings. With that hope in mind, here are a few real-life symbols of the trinity and their meanings. Maybe triple symbol meanings might become more real to us if we consider just a few visual representations. There must be balance within three sides, three energies, three influences, powers, whatever. Without one side, that structure will crumble. It is a self-standing structure with three parts. If all this three business is overwhelming for you – just think of the triangle. Who would have thought something so simple and basic as a triangle, a trident (each protrusion of this weapon is symbolic of something depending on the culture) – or the number three would have such overwhelming, influential portent!? Here again, this is why I’m so jazzed about symbolic meaning. Triple symbol meanings offer us structure in a world of perceived chaos and unknowns. It’s all kinda crazy, isn’t it!? I think it is, but crazy in a good way.


All these qualities built into a triad represent full integration of the human condition. And to add a little sparkle to our lives, we need diversity – we need to know we are unique and different…like snowflakes…beautiful and special. We all require balance (harmony) to be stable and whole. If you think about it, these three qualities pretty much sum up our existence. These three qualities are: Harmony, Unity and Diversity. Each side of the triangle resonates with a fundamental quality. In fact, he based an entire theory of perfect harmony based on the triangle. He associated symbolic language to the meaning of the triangle. Pythagoras was a wicked-keen philosopher and mathematician in Greece around 500’s BCE. The Chinese culture utilizes the number three in the Great Triad which is: Earth, Human and Heaven. It represents the perfect structure upon which the universe is built. It cannot be added to, or reduced in any way. The idea here is that through these three forces, cosmic balance and unity is achieved.Īsian belief systems deem the number three as perfect. Brahma – Ruler of Creation, Vishnu – The Great Preserver and Shiva – The Destroyer. There are three deities that are the scaffolding for universal structure. This trinity system is similar to the Greco-Roman mythological concept.

yin and yang symbol in my coffee cup

The three gods that rule over this core triad are, respectively: Zeus – God of Heaven, Poseidon – Overseer of Earth and Sea, Hades – Commander of the Underworld. So the foundational triad is this: Heaven, Earth and Underworld. Not only are their three deities that create cosmic harmonic in Greco-Roman mythology, but there is a foundational trinity representing each god. Learn more about Alchemy Symbolic Meanings here. Salt, sulfur and mercury are simply metaphors used to illustrate a perfect recipe for inner balance. It’s not about getting rich with gold, it’s about harmonizing that which is human, and creating conscious gold from within. That’s what turning metal into gold is all about. Alchemy’s purpose is to strive for perfect harmony. The Great Work is the lottery – it’s the grand poobah of ultimate unification of power. These elements make up the ‘Great Work’ in alchemy. In alchemical practice, there is a holy trinity of sulfur, mercury and salt. Need more proof that three is all about evolutionary, cosmic balancing? Here’s more: More Triple Symbol Meanings From Different Perspectives

  • Other World, Mortal World, Celestial World.
  • Here are some examples of how trinities work from cultures around the world… A Few Triple Symbol Meanings Three takes a triad of influences and energies and constructs them into a glorious balance. What I am saying here is three is the manifestation of number two being developed…obtaining balance and then finding a new life or new structure within that balance.

    yin and yang symbol in my coffee cup

    It takes the balance established by the number two, then brings it together to create something beautiful. Two is the ultimate expression of balance. It’s important to recognize this because two is the building block for three (and triple symbol meanings). Before three came along, there was number two.

    Yin and yang symbol in my coffee cup